Ray J Politics

Wuhan Virus, just another hammer in the Democrat’s tool box!

Wuhan Viris- Just another hammer in the Democrat's tool box!

This picture says SO many things with only (2) words. The Communist Democrat Party teamed up with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) to release this Coronavirus (better know as Wuhan Virus) to AGAIN, take down the President of the United States. How do you attack President Trump? Attack the economy, specifically small businesses. Democrat Governors and Mayors have ABUSED their small businesses, keeping them shut down to stall our nation’s economic engine. They used our small businesses as pawns in a political Chess match. Isn’t it just criminal that members of our government who are sworn to abide by the US Constitution would side with China, the ENEMY? Oh, I forget….many in the Democratic Party don’t support the Constitution. Did you know??? Hospitals all over America were instructed to use (2) COVID-19 codes which would bring them more funding from the federal government. In other words, more COVID deaths, more money. Let that sink in to our 107,000 “so called” COVID-19 deaths.

Communist Democrats in our government, globalist RINO Republicans, and general SCUM who have TDS got a VERY nasty surprise on 6-5-20. Instead of the stock market’s DOW 30 being near 0 as the Democrats prayed for every night, it hit 27,000 again nearing our all time high! Instead of more jobs being lost, 2.5 MILLION jobs were added. Instead of our unemployment rate being 20%+, it was only 13.4%. The Democrats are in serious trouble, and they KNOW IT!

The Democrat’s pipe dreams of a devastated economy and Trump being blamed for it is going up in smoke, like all the rest of their lamebrain schemes. Now they want to start race wars with the very suspicious “murder” of George Floyd. The race riots and abolition of police department funding by Democrat Mayors, Governors and Congresspeople is their last ditch effort to destroy the Presidency of President Trump. They want chaos and lawlessness to spread across America. They only thing that Democrats have left are their STUPID and UNEDUCATED voting base to riot, loot and assault other Americans for silliness! GooooOOOOOOOOO TRUMP!!!!

Ray J Politics

Wuhan Virus, just another hammer in the Democrat’s tool box! Read More »

The SEPTIC TANK of Washington DC is in FULL swarm!

The SEPTIC TANK of Washington DC is in FULL SWARM!

The SEPTIC Tank in Washington DC is has hit DEFCON 1 and is heavily resisting being cleaned out! They’re all, Democrats AND Republicans, in full panic mode now that an outsider President is in office. Donald J Trump represents THE FIRST President in American history to not be of the infamous SWAMP. They have NOTHING to blackmail Donald J Trump with. Did you know??? Only (5) Presidents were never elected into a political office before being elected President of the United States. (3) were generals involved in the greasiness of Washington DC, and one was the Secretary of Commerce IN the Washington DC grease bucket. These are General Zachary Taylor, General Ulysses S Grant, Herbert Hoover and General Dwight D Eisenhower. Donald J Trump is THE ONLY President to not be corrupted by the wickedness of Washington DC.

The Congress has done whatever the hell it wants to for over 100 years, and now wants President Trump gone so they can continue with their crooked charades. They will do ANYTHING to get rid of this outsider President, and I mean ANYTHING! Isn’t it such a disgrace that the best performing President in history is teamed up with a SCUM legislative branch of government? Our Congress being lead by the Communist Democratic Party is too far gone to be salvaged. The only way to straighten out our legislative branch is to start over and put immediate term limits in place for all members of Congress. Did you know??? Congress passed the 22nd Amendment in 1947, which was ratified by the states in 1951 to limit the President to (2) 4 year terms in office. This was mostly in reaction to Communist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt being elected to a whopping 4th term, but died before he could finish. The funny thing is, Congress failed to pass term limits for THEMSELVES.

Our Congress needs a TOTAL overhaul and refit. They have America in a 27 TRILLION dollar deficit which we’ll NEVER escape from with the way our country is being governed! Would you still be in your house if you couldn’t balance your checkbook, not paying your mortgage company? If you were responsible for financial decisions in your corporation but kept overspending and keeping the company in debt, would you still have a job? Well our Congress is doing JUST THAT and there’s ZERO accountability for it. We will soon HIT THE WALL, and our money will be WORTHLESS. There’s not nearly enough Americans taking this seriously!

Ray J Politics

The SEPTIC TANK of Washington DC is in FULL swarm! Read More »

When you see THIS, are you going to call 911?

When you see THIS, are YOU going to call 911???

After the very suspicious killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis by a White police officer, sleeper cells went active in over 75 American cities simultaneously. Coincidence? I think not. The Communist Democratic Party has long awaited the right opportunity to reopen the wound of America’s past racial transgressions. The United States endorsed physical bonadage of Black Americans until 1865, then carried on with Jim Crow Law until it finally and truly died out around 1980. Did you know??? Every nation on Earth has had slaves (White slaves too) at one point or another.

The Democratic Party has created EVERYTHING that has terrorized Black Americans from the KKK, to Jim Crow, to food stamps. How could we Blacks be so grossly uneducated to stay in the camp of our former slave masters? How could we endorse the same people who keeps poor Black people in death trap neighborhoods all over America? ONE Black citizen was unjustly killed by a White police officer and Blacks are in the streets protesting, looting, pillaging, harming others and destroying their own neighborhoods. Did you know??? The intraracial Black murder rate is 89%. Out of an average of 2,600 Black Americans murdered every year, 2,314 of those murders are committed by other Black Americans.

Now we have Democrat politicians all over America calling for police departments to be defunded or outright dismantled. With the Black on Black murder rate at 89% and Black Americans being 13% of the US population, but committing 55% of the violent crimes, how is defunding police departments going to help poor Black Americans who simply want to go to work and be left alone? There are MILLIONS of Black Americans who are working hard and looking for better opportunities to escape Democrat DEATH TRAP neighborhoods. They’re being terrorized by BLACK gang bangers, BLACK drug dealers, and other BLACK MONGRELOUS TRASH! As I stated in the title of my blog, when YOU see that gang of wild beasts coming for YOUR house (who are Black as you are), are you going to dial 911 for the police???

Ray J Politics

When you see THIS, are you going to call 911? Read More »