"My Take" with Ray J Politics I refuse to vote for anyone who
supports the Devil nation of Israel
I was...proud to be a
FOREVER Trumplican
Fight for your stolen vote
in the 2020 election
It's time to reclaim our GOP
from the RINOS
U.S. Army Veteran
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm 1990
Pro-Life. Every human being
has a right to live!
A thief has no right to defend themself
Israel is a stolen illegitmate racist state
In God we trust. Support our
churches against the US Fascist state!
I stand against anyone who supports Devil Israel
Trump=NO VOTE!


The United States of America is the most free, just and prosperous nation on the face of this Earth. Often erroneously called a Democracy, we’re actually a Constitutional Republic, the only Constitutional Republic in the world! God guided the framers of our United States Constitution which still endures today over 200 years later.

Unfortunately since the 1960’s, our nation’s educational system has been infested with Liberal and Communist ideology. Many adults and parents today are products of an educational system which has become more a Communist indoctrination camps than schools. Our public school system focuses more on what America has done wrong, instead pointing out the good America has done for the American people and millions around the world.

The Black community in America today is SERIOUSLY damaged, almost beyond repair. We continue to vote for the Democratic Party who enslaved our ancestors and fought a war to keep them in physical bondage. If that’s not bad enough, the Democratic Party formed the KKK (1865), Jim Crow Law (1880), supports Black genocide founder Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood (1916), supported modern day segregation (1900-1980), and hooked Black Americans on welfare and food stamps (1964). Young Black American men continue to exterminate each other (89% intraracial murder rate- 2,314 Black on Black murders yearly) and Black women continue to murder their own babies (390,000 babies aborted yearly- 18.5 million since 1973). I am appalled by the number of Black Americans who continue to ignore these horrific facts, continuing to race bait and blame White Americans for Black problems. BLACK PROBLEMS, BLACK PEOPLE MUST FIX IT! As an American Black man I stand on FACTS, not NARRATIVES being peddled by the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has become full blown Communist with a voting base who supports this tyrannical regime, but doesn’t understand the misery which Communism has yielded worldwide over the past 100 years. The Democrats have become impostors to our nation, usurpers who don’t stand for the basic sanctity of life, the sovereignty of our nation, Christian values, or our sacred Constitution. We must beat the Democrats back into the potter’s field where they belong, before it’s too late!

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