Ray J Politics

Is our Federal government open for business???

Is our Federal government open for business???

For about 100 years, our Congress in Washington DC has progressively grown more and more insulated from the American people. We elect our Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators, then they go to Washington DC and represent big business, big tech, and foreign nations. The bureaucracy in the Washington DC Septic Tank has become so tyrannical in 2021, they’ve openly disclosed to that they are making policy that suits them, not the citizens of this nation. Did you know??? The spending bill passed by Congress in December 2020 had more funds in it for foreign nations than the United States of America. Billions of dollars in funds for gender study and democracy programs in Pakistan, funds for the Egyptian military, funds for corrupt nation of Ukraine, and foreign aid to Central American nations who continue to send hordes of illegal aliens into our nation (along with the friendly MS-13). But our Congress could only find $600 to give to law abiding American citizens in the middle of a pandemic and their draconian small business shutdowns. The Speaker of the House Nasty Pelosi held off voting on the 1.9 trillion dollar bill to “see who would win the Presidency”.

Now the Communist Democrat Party has cheated their way into power over the Executive and Legislative branches of government (with the help of the scumbelly Republican Party). They and their braindead illegitimate President Biden claim that they seek “healing” for our nation. They claim they would like civil discourse and want to reach out to President Donald J Trump’s supporters. Their first steps in this “healing” is calling all of the Protesters in the 1-6-21 Capitol Hill Protest insurgents, thugs, criminals, and White Supremacists, even though many of the Protesters were Asian, Hispanic, Black, and Native Americans along with their White brothers and sisters. Their second step in “healing” is impeaching the outgoing President who was cheated out of his Presidency. If this wasn’t a good enough olive branch for Trump supporters, they are also attempting to convict President Trump so that he may not run for a second term, if he so chooses. The man is not even in office!

The Communist Democrats have already begun the process of legalizing illegal aliens (people who have no damn business in our country), stopping construction on the border wall, rejoining the heathenous Paris Climate Accord (when China and India alone produces 45% of the world’s pollution, but will never be held to account), rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership to allow other nations to rip America off, and stopping work on the Canada-US Keystone pipeline. Fake President and CCP whore Biden said that he wanted to let the world know that “America is open for business again”. We now have a nursing home resident as President who will have the CCP, the Vatican, the Iranian terrorist regime, the UN, and the WHO putting on their rubber gloves to stick up his butt for puppet control.

The United States Congress has become imposters in our nation’s Capitol. Washington DC does not belong to the American people anymore. The US Constitution is just historical document to be kept in a glass case in a museum somewhere. Money is what the United States Congress upholds, not the Constitution. Lobbyists from corporations and big tech controls the members of our Congress, and the CCP controls our nation’s largest corporations and big tech. Who then, is running our nation? We’re in a 30 trillion dollar national deficit, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, and just went through a Presidential election in which half of the US population have no faith was legitimate. In response, our Congress with a 17% approval rating is attempting to convict a President who’s not even in office, passing laws against “White supremacy” even though 60% of this nation’s population is White, using the propagandist media to stoke racial division, and passing policies which favor illegal aliens and hardened criminals. Where do law abiding Americans fall into the equation of Washington DC? Why have a government who governs for citizens of foreign nations better than its own?

Ray J Politics

Is our Federal government open for business??? Read More »

America’s first “Peoples’ Presidency” has been STOLEN!!!

America’s first “People’s Presidency” has been STOLEN!!!

This is a portrait of the most consequential President in American history aside from Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. This man, Donald J Trump, had BILLIONS of dollars spent by the Democrat party, the Republican Party, the Communist Chinese Party, the Democrat prostitute mainstream media, the Vatican, the United Nations, and every other HEATHENOUS organization just to ruin him! This is the first President to come into office more concerned about AMERICA, than foreign nations, nuclear missiles, or fake racial division. Did you know??? The Democrats, Republicans, DOJ, FBI, CIA, US Foreign Ambassadors, Foreign Ambassadors of other nations, and judges all over America ALL tried to overthrow this President since 2016? Over 45 million American taxpayer dollars were spent on the so called “Mueller Investigation”. The namesake of this investigation, Robert Mueller, testified in front of Congress in 2019. He knew NOTHING about HIS own investigation. Till this day, NO ONE has been held accountable for this treason.

The Democrat Party and their poisonous mainstream media called President Donald J Trump a “dictator” and “tyrant”, but was he? President Trump was indeed very vocal and brash, constantly calling the Democrats and CCP mainstream media exactly what they are, LIARS! But this President really never ventured outside of the framework of the United States Constitution. He may have threatened to do many things, but NEVER abused his power like so many of his predecessors before him.The comparison between he and Franklin Delano Roosevelt demonstrates this very clearly. Did you know??? Our nation’s first Communist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1933 to 1945, enacted 3,721 executive orders averaging 307 per year. Roosevelt also vetoed 635 bills, averaging 51.92 vetos per year. Compare this to President Donald J Trump from 2016 to 2020, where he enacted 294 executive orders, averaging 52 per year. He also vetoed 9 bills, averaging 2.25 per year.

President Trump has accomplished feats in economic, domestic, and foreign policy in his short four years that no other President has come close to achieving in eight years. From building a wall on our Southern border, passing the First Step Act, having the lowest minority and overall unemployment rates in history, having the highest stock market numbers in history, passing massive tax cuts, rebuilding our military, reforming our Veterans’ Administration, moving our embassy to Jerusalem, avoiding a looming war with North Korea, to stopping the raping of America by Communist China. Those are just SOME of the accomplishments by the Trump Administration from 2016-2020. Did you know??? The MONGRELOUS mainstream media stifled ANY news of success by the Trump Administration for four long years. Donald J Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020, THREE TIMES, but was attacked by the Democrats and their sycophant mainstream media for it 24/7.

The Democrat Party tried time and time again to remove this President from office by any means necessary. Neanderthal look alike Representative Al Green of Texas called for the impeachment of President Trump as soon as he was elected. These SICK FREAKO Democrats attempted to impeach President Trump over statements he made, for not knowing what was in his personal tax returns, for him building the border wall, for “Russian collusion” that never existed, for sexual “scandals”, for wanting to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, for wanting to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, for being nice to Israel, and for not condemning “White supremacy” on a daily basis. They were actually successful in impeaching President Trump for a fake “quid pro quo” phone call in Ukraine, where unelected career US foreign embassy officials thought that they knew more than he did. They must have all forgotten that THEY serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States.

In 2020 and yet another overthrow attempt, the Democrat Party and the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) colluded to release a military biological weapon in Wuhan, China. Citizens from all over the world were celebrating the festivals in Wuhan in late 2019 when the CCP released this bioweapon, let it spread all throughout the Wuhan region, then allowed all of these foreigners to fly back home to their countries. In February 2020, word started to get out that people were dying in China of some mysterious virus. China immediately closed down all travel with its citizens in or out of the Wuhan region. When people started to question the CCP, the Communist Chinese said “nothing to see here”, backed up by their sycophant World Health Organization. Then slowly but surely cases of this now known “Coronavirus” started to pop up in other nations around world. There were reports out of China of HUNDREDS THOUSANDS of cell phone numbers being deleted, incinerators running 24/7, and people on the Western coast of Japan reporting a mysterious “black rain”.

This is what I call “The Pitch and Catch”. The CCP pitched this virus, and the Communist Democrat Party caught it. This virus served two purposes. First, it allowed the virus to spread and destroy societies and economies around the world. This coincides with the CCP’s aspirations of being the world’s #1 economy and military power. Second, it allowed the Communist Democrat Party to use this virus against President Trump as a political weapon, have their whore mainstream media “spin it”, destroy our economy, use unverifiable mail in ballots during the 2020 election, and strip away our civil liberties. Did you know??? China, the most overpopulated nation on Earth with 1.5 billion people where this bioweapon was released, claims to have lost 4,634 people to this virus, with (3) deaths per million of its population. On the other extreme, America’s population is 332,000,000 and “claims” to have lost 378,149 people, with (1,139) deaths per million of its population. It’s widely known that nearly everyone in America who’s died since March 2020 has been counted as Coronavirus deaths, so hospitals can get their “extra funding”, the toxic media can spread panic, and it could be used as a political weapon against the Trump Presidency.

Yet another collusion between the Democrat and Republican Parties finally overthrew President Trump in 2020. Republican State Legislatures in Georgia, North Carolina (which Trump barely won), Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota (split), Arizona, and Nevada (Democrat) allowed for unverifiable mail in ballots. Every voting law known to man was broken from not matching signatures on ballots, voting machines being connected to the internet, partisan ballot observers being intimidated and removed for being White, to midnight ballot dumps for Biden. Most of these states had Republican State Legislatures and ignored ANY calls for accountability after THOUSANDS of sworn statements of massive voter fraud, nationwide. The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court made unconstitutional rulings which took the authority from the Pennsylvania State Legislature, and these Republican lawmakers did nothing about this. State Supreme Courts nationwide dismissed cases of voter fraud outright stating that there wasn’t enough of it? Then the Supreme Court of the United States was asked to get involved, and they didn’t even want to hear about these thousands of cases of voter fraud.

Now the President’s own Republican Party has turned against him and turned against their OWN voters for the Capitol Hill Patriot protest in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Even though ANTIFA and BLM scum caused most of the chaos and violence, Republican politicians are using this opportunity to attack THEIR Republican protesters, because they took a stroll through the Capitol building (which WE pay for with OUR taxpayer dollars) and broke out (3) windows on a building with thousands of windows. The building wasn’t burnt down, the building wasn’t vandalized, and the unarmed 14 year American Military Veteran that was murdered, Ashli Babbitt, was murdered by a Washington DC Capitol Police Officer. Why? Did you know??? Republican politicians are all over television in OUTRAGE saying that these American peasants came into their “sacred” Capitol building, and want them to be prosecuted and “put in prison”. But throughout 2020, BLM (Burn Loot Murder) and the ANTIFA SS terrorized cities all over America with Democrat politician encouragement. Democrat Mayors and Governors instructed their Law Enforcement to hide while these Democrat Party funded TERRORIST groups looted, destroyed, and murdered innocent people and the few Police Officers that showed up.

President Donald J Trump was elected by the American people in 2020, but politicians made the decision to put the people who THEY wanted in office. Joe Biden is an ILLEGITIMATE President. The Senate runoff races in Georgia were FRAUDULENT! This is the worst thing that could happen to our form of government. Our Constitutional Republic has three branches of government. The Executive and Legislative branches govern this nation, and the Judicial branch fields disputes between the the other two branches. The Legislative branch forms laws, the Executive enforces laws, and the Judicial interprets laws. All three branches are expected to UPHOLD the law of the land. In the 2020 Presidential election at the state and federal levels, the Legislative branch broke the law, the Judicial branch CHOSE not to interpret the law, and the Executive branch was left without remedy.

Joe Biden is going to be sworn in on January 20, 2021 as the President of this country, having received unearned electoral votes from the six contested states. The vote has been STOLEN from the American people by the politicians who we elected. THEY have chosen OUR President and chose who will run the United States Senate. President Trump is the rightful winner of the 2020 Presidential election, and 74 million Americans will NEVER accept WALKING CRIMINAL Joe Biden as our President! If there’s such a thing as “Death of a Nation”, this is it!

Ray J Politics

America’s first “Peoples’ Presidency” has been STOLEN!!! Read More »

Is the United States Constitution still in force???

Our founding Fathers of the United States of America ratified our Constitution in 1788, and it became effective in 1789. Ever since that point, there’s always been people in our government who wanted weapons out of the hands of everyday American citizens. The framers of our Constitutional Republic was guided by God in drafting this document, and America remains the most free, just, and prosperous nation on Earth! Did you know??? The main goal of the framers of our Constitution in adding the 2nd Amendment was not truly for personal protection, it was to ensure that citizens had weapons to protect themselves from THE GOVERNMENT.

Over time, the Democrat Party has become more and more TYRANNICAL in challenging our Constitution. One of their main focuses is taking guns out of the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens. The Democrats have truly morphed into a Communist organization in 2020 and favor CRIMINALS more than people who pay taxes and follow the law. The Democrats promote gun bans, gun registries and “red flag” laws. These were the same policies enacted by Josef Stalin of the USSR, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Adolf Hitler of Germany, Mao Zedong of China, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Pol Pot of Cambodia, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. ALL of these Democrat led DRACONIAN measures are angled in taking power AWAY from citizens and giving MORE power to an already corrupt and out of control government. Did you know??? Democrat Chicago, IL has THE MOST STRICT gun laws in the United States, but has one of THE HIGHEST gun related murder rates in the nation. Chicago averages 3-10 people murdered by gun related violence EVERY WEEKEND. The bulk of these senseless murders are Black on Black murders, but we NEVER see Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesting there...

In St Louis, MO, a couple named Mark and Patricia McCloskey were getting ready for dinner on their outside patio when a MOB busted down the iron gate of their private community. This VERY large mob (which the Democrats call “protesters”) began threatening the McCloskeys to the point of threatening their life, AND their dog’s life. These people felt that their lives and property were at risk and brought out weapons to ward off these wild marauders. The McCloskey’s weapons were PURCHASED LEGALLY, REGISTERED, and on THEIR property. Did you know??? As Missouri state law dictates: You can carry your weapon in your vehicle (you’re not obligated to inform police officers you have a weapon in the vehicle), state parks, state national forests, rest areas, restaurants, and Missouri is an OPEN CARRY STATE. Would you therefore think that it would be ILLEGAL for the citizens of Missouri to have weapons on their OWN property?

During this encounter, the St Louis PD would NOT respond to the McCloskey’s calls for help. Now, the Chief Prosecutor for St Louis Kim Gardener wants to press charges against THE MCCLOSKEYS for brandishing THEIR weapons on THEIR property to protect THEIR lives! Not only that, the St Louis PD came to THEIR residence and seized THEIR weapons!

I’m EXTREMELY concerned about the Communist Democrat Party constantly attacking our US Constitution, and a WEAKLING CORRUPT Republican Party remaining silent! Missouri Republican Governor Mike Parsons was a former Law Enforcement Officer and is sitting back and saying… NOTHING, while the McCloskey’s Constitutional rights are being TRAMPLED ON! We also have Democrats NATIONWIDE wanting to DEFUND police departments, while crime is SKYROCKETING in Democrat governed DEATH TRAP cities! REALLY????

I TRULY fear for our Constitutional Republic in 2020.

Ray J Politics

Is the United States Constitution still in force??? Read More »

ANY resistance against the COVID-19 HOAX shall be SQUASHED!!!

This “STOPPING THE SPREAD” Wuhan Virus campaign being propped up by the SATANIC mainstream media is just another weapon in the Democrat Party’s toolbox to ATTACK President Trump. As can be seen above, I was suspended by Facebook for 30 days (Facebook Jail) because I spoke out against the Communist Democrat narrative. It has ZERO to do with “harming the community” and EVERYTHING to do with “harming the Democrat HOAX”. Did you know??? Communist Democrat City Mayors, County Mayors and Governors are passing DRACONIAN executive orders FORCING “mandatory mask mandates”, curfews, ATTACKING Christian church pastors for DARING to hold services, and closing down small businesses imposing unrealistic occupancy rules. But they leave open abortion clinics, liquor stores and Islamic mosques, and support Communist ANARCHIST mobs running the streets and DESTROYING businesses!

The Democrat Party has now sicked their WHORE mainstream media on 3 of the states that Trump MUST win to be re-elected in 2020, Arizona, Texas and Florida. The Democrats, RINO Republicans and FAKE NEWS media will remain LASER FOCUSED on these 3 Republican states, hoping to tarnish their Governors because the Wuhan Virus cases are “spiking”. THIS VIRUS WILL SPREAD, and there’s not a damn thing that we can do about it! It is the DEATH RATE that counts. They totally ignore the Democrat states like New York, Michigan, Connecticut and New Jersey who’s been a damn CATACLYSM during this Coronavirus crisis! Did you know??? Arizona, Texas and Florida all have maintained a 1.8% and below Coronavirus death rate, while the lowest Coronavirus death rate in Democrat states mentioned above is 7.5%.

The Democrat Party, who are minions of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP), has enlisted the services of the CCP, BLM (White Communists), ANTIFA (White Fascists), Me Too (Fascist women), the Black Congressional Caucus (Black supremacists), the Hispanic Congressional Caucus (Hispanic supremacists), the Black Panthers (Black supremacists), the Muslim Brotherhood (Islamic supremacists) and the Nation of Islam (Black supremacists). Two of these radical organizations actually have places carved out for them in OUR Congress.

The Democrats also have bought off social media giants like Twitter, Google, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram. They have ALL of the voter fraud groups in their pockets, and regular hard working American citizens are left in the cold. The election of 2020 is going to be HARD FOUGHT with a Democrat Party who’s brought off EVERYBODY, and WEAKLING/HALF CORRUPT Republican Party who seems to be more concerned about their OWN corrupt asses instead of this country!

Ray J Politics

ANY resistance against the COVID-19 HOAX shall be SQUASHED!!! Read More »

The Black race baiting FAKE NEWS is global, and VERY dangerous!

I have a young man in South Africa that I treat as my very own son. He is South African (Indian), is only 22 years old, and still learning about life. He sends me the propaganda that’s projected NOT from Russia, NOT from North Korea, and NOT Iran, but from THE UNITED STATES! The latest FILTHY GARBAGE being projected all over the word is how unjust our society is, and that our Law Enforcement Officers are MONSTERS. He sent me Facebook videos showing a montage of police brutality, depicting that Black Americans are being ATTACKED all over America. There are good police and there are bad police. America is STILL the most free and just nation on this Earth, BAR NONE!

So I sent him this:

America is 13% Black and we still live better than any Black people on Earth. The population on the continent or Africa is 79% Black with entirely Black governments, black police forces, and it’s absolutely the worst place for a Black person to be on Earth. Millions of Black Africans can’t even get access to food and clean drinking water. Black people are STILL dying in famines in Africa from starvation and simple diseases. Did you know that?  How could this be happening in countries when everyone are “PEOPLE OF COLOR”? Where’s the video of that???

There are still wild militias running through all 54 countries in Africa robbing, raping, chopping up people with machetes, cutting off people’s gentiles, hands, feet, and worse. This is happening right now as the Communists in America are broadcasting this garbage about our police. Where’s the video of the raping, marauding, and murder of Black (mostly because they’re Christian) people in Africa? There’s still SLAVERY going on in Africa. Arabs are still chasing down Black Africans in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, capturing them like animals and selling them on the slave market. Where’s the video of that???

We Black people live like KINGS in America compared to Blacks anywhere else in the world. I keep telling you the Liberal Left will show a montage of police brutality, but won’t show you the Black boys laid out dead on sidewalks everyday with their heads blown off who are killed by OTHER BLACK BOYS. Around 2,600 Black people are murdered every year in America, and around 2,300 of those are committed by other BLACK AMERICANS. Black women are also killing off the Black race averaging 360,000 abortions of little Black babies every single year in America alone. Where is the video of that???

Indoctrination by the Communist Liberal movement and fake news media around the world is a terrible thing. Again as Malcolm X said: If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.We Black Americans continue to be our OWN worst enemy in America. We live off of race peddling and are being JOOPED by race hustlers. These videos being blasted all over the world show the small amount of police brutality in America overall, while police in Africa will outright kill you, and no one will ever know about it. Black people in Africa buying into this Liberal indoctrination of America supposedly treating Black people horribly are truly uneducated, stupid, and ignorant to FACTS. The FACTS are we have more Black millionaires, billionaires and Blacks living VERY well with good paying jobs, more than anywhere else in the world. 

With the FACTS I have just told you above, I deem this video as LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION trying to take the focus off of the REAL problem plaguing Black America, which is BLACK AMERICANS…

Ray J Politics

The Black race baiting FAKE NEWS is global, and VERY dangerous! Read More »

Democrats NEVER let a crisis “go to waste”….CORONAVIRUS.

This is what the Communist Democrats want in America. Everyone wearing masks over their faces, being fearful of getting “too close” to each other, and blaming one another for them catching Chinese Wuhan Virus. Communist Democrat and RINO Republican Governors nationwide are buying into this HOAX to destroy our nation’s economy, create fear and panic in the American population, and MURDER small businesses. It’s ALL about getting President Donald J Trump out of office in 2020 so they can go back to their corruption and doing ZILCH for the American people! Did you know??? There has been ZERO evidence that masks stop ANYTHING from spreading, yet alone Wuhan Virus. But 3M is getting rich off of our IRRESPONSIBLE CDC and federal government spreading LIES that masks are the remedy to stopping the spread of Wuhan Virus.

While HYPOCRITICAL Democrat Congressmen, Congresswomen, Senators, Governors and Mayors ATTACK Christian churches for trying to hold services for worship, abortion clinics are running at FULL THROTTLE and are packed with Liberal BRAINDEAD women murdering their babies. While SATANIC Democrats ATTACK gun shops, liquor stores still are selling liquor for DRUNKARDS who get wasted, get behind the wheel, and KILL innocent people. While Democrats ATTACK small businesses nationwide CHOKING THEM OUT, they’re promoting reopening globalist sport leagues like the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS and NASCAR. Did you know??? Athletes, coaching staffs, trainers, and support staff in the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, and NASCAR are NOT superhuman. They can catch and spread Wuhan Virus too. Why are these men being allowed to rub, breathe, and cough all over each other while playing these sports? Can you say… DOUBLE STANDARD???

Now as of 6/26/20, the FAKE NEWS media is attacking the Conservative states of Arizona, Texas and Florida because of “spikes” in Wuhan Virus. I don’t believe in people being forced to wear masks. It’s draconian policy and violates our Constitutional rights. There is not ONE shred of evidence that masks stop the spread of anything. We are being FORCED to wear masks with no evidence of knowing if they work. I think that any American who feels vulnerable should be able to wear a mask anywhere they want to, and others who choose not to should be LEFT ALONE!

This Wuhan Virus will not be going away anytime soon. Keeping people separated will only prolong this crisis by millions of people not being exposed to it. This is the Communist Democrat Party’s goal of course. They keep talking about spikes in Arizona, Texas, and my state of Florida OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. These states are doing much more testing which is attributing to these so called spikes:

Conservative states

Arizona- 66,458 cases, 1,535 deaths- 2.3% death rate

Texas- 142,110 cases, 2,366 deaths- 1.67% death rate (2nd most populous state in America)

Florida- 122,960 cases, 3,366 deaths- 2.7% death rate (3rd most populous state in America)

In contrast…

Liberal states

New York- 415,205 cases, 31,420 deaths- 7.6% death rate (4th most populous state in America)

New Jersey- 175,759 cases, 15,057 deaths- 8.6% death rate

Massachusetts- 108,070 cases, 8,013 deaths- 7.4% death rate

Michigan- 69,329 cases, 6,134 deaths- 8.8% death rate

The DEATH RATE is the important thing, not infection rates. Conservative governance DOES matter. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Michigan has STUPID Governors! This hype about Arizona, Texas and Florida is just fodder from the scum licking fake news media. They’re attacking these states solely because they have Conservative Republican Governors. Did you know??? The Governors of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Michigan endorsed and ENFORCED policies to send people infected with COVID-19 to ill-equipped nursing home facilities, including MENTAL patients. We seen how that turned out in a video from a Michigan nursing home, where a 20 year old kid nearly beat a Senior Citizen to death for…NOTHING! This has resulted in the unnecessary deaths of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Senior Citizens in these states!

The Democrat WHORE mainstream media will keep up their propaganda for their Democrat Party PIMP, spreading this GARBAGE about masks. People are getting rich off of OUR stupidity, fear, and lack of will to question why we’re being forced to wear something with ZERO proof that it actually works!

Ray J Politics

Democrats NEVER let a crisis “go to waste”….CORONAVIRUS. Read More »

BLM has NEVER saved ONE Black person’s life!

Look at the folks in the picture above. Most of them are not even Black. This is the same all around the world. There’s a very good reason for this. Because Black Lives Matter (BLM) was NOT created to stand up for Black people. BLM is a Marxist movement of Communism and STUPIDITY. It’s a worldwide TERRORIST network being funded by the HEATHENOUS George Soros. This MONGRELOUS organization along with its Fascist partner ANTIFA, are more dangerous than they seem. Did you know??? BLM hasn’t held ONE protest, rioted, or looted for the approximately 6,700 Black Americans murdered by other Black Americans since 2016.

It cannot be just a “coincidence” that after the VERY suspicious George Floyd incident, “protests” broke out in over 75 US cities, simultaneously. That is not coincidence, it was PLANNED! Doesn’t it throw up a red flag in your mind knowing that Black police officers kill Black people in the line of duty, Black police officers kill White people in the line of duty, Black police officers kill Hispanic people in the line of duty, White police officers kill White people in the line of duty, Asian police officers kill Black people in the line of duty, and so on? Why is it ONLY when a White police officer kills a Black citizen in the line of duty, riots and looting breaks out? Could it be that the Democratic Party is desperate to keep the Black vote? I want you to THINK about that. Did you know??? Around 1,100 Americans are killed by law enforcement in the line of duty every year in America. Approximately 52% (572) of these deaths are White Americans, and 32% (352) are Black Americans. Where’s the OUTRAGE for the White Americans who lose their lives? White lives don’t matter?

BLM and ANTIFA are two globally funded TERRORIST networks who prey on the uneducated, radicalized and ignorant all around the world. The public education systems in the United States started on their path of Communist indoctrination as soon as Senator Joseph McCarthy died in 1957. Since the early 1960’s, our elementary, middle school, high school, colleges and universities have been transformed into Communist, Liberal and Fascist indoctrination camps. Now the majority of the youth in most Western nations don’t cherish their freedom, want to live in welfare states, and blame all of their personal issues on the government. The youth in America have been taught to HATE the very nation that has provided them with a cush life compared to many nations around the world. The bulk of school teachers and college professors are products of the Communist indoctrination of the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s. They are producing a generation of youth who’s being taught that America is an EVIL nation founded on slavery and racism. Now we must be CLEANSED in their eyes. This “Generation Z” group of youth in America IS our future, but is also a SERIOUS THREAT to our future. They are misguided, uneducated yet indoctrinated and are TOTALLY ignorant of it. The greatest enemy of any nation is THE ENEMY WITHIN. If something does not change very quickly, “Gen Z” could be that enemy in America. BLM and ANTIFA are movements to overthrow our way of life, an attack on capitalism and a total breakdown of law and order. Now do you understand why BLM and ANTIFA exists? Did you know??? In the Minneapolis, Seattle, NYC, Portland and Atlanta riots of 2020, the majority of the so called protesters were NOT Black people. These “protesters” burned down, looted, robbed and totally destroyed predominately Black owned businesses. Many of the statues that the BLM and ANTIFA terrorists tore down were not all Confederate monuments. They were also the founding fathers of our nation and Union soldiers.

Ray J Politics

BLM has NEVER saved ONE Black person’s life! Read More »

The Confederate States of America DID exist!

The soldier pictured above is CSA Lieutenant General Wade Hampton III, a cavalry officer. He also served as the first Governor of South Carolina in 1877 after the reconstruction period ended after the Civil War. This statue just sits there everyday at the South Carolina State House being pooped on by birds. The Confederate States of America (The Confederacy) were 11 states in the Southeastern United States who depended heavily on a farming economy to survive. Black Americans were slaves and “free labor” in the South. They were vital to the South’s economy. The Southern states were poorer and more rural than the Northern states. The Northern states (The Union) had many more modern factories, plants, mills, and huge cities. Black people were able to have jobs in the North and earn decent wages (and be free). The Southern states seen the anti-slavery movement as a threat to their existence in 1860, leading to 7 states declaring their independence from Washington DC and forming the Confederate States of America in 1861 being supported by the Democratic Party. They were later joined by 6 more states. Did you know??? The May-June 2020 riots being led by the ANTIFA and BLM terrorist groups attacked UNION Civil War statues. These Marxists are so STUPID and IGNORANT that they don’t even understand who the people are depicted in these statues that their tearing down.

The Republican Party was born out of the Democratic-Republican Party and other small political parties on the platform to STOP THE SPREAD of slavery in 1854. The Republicans wanted to let slavery remain in the Southern states as a compromise with the Confederacy, but not allow slavery as the United States expanded Westward (committing more atrocities against Native American Indians). Unfortunately, the Native Americans had their lands taken from them and tens of thousands were murdered in the process. The Southern states insisted that slavery be allowed newly formed Western territories. Tensions flared, shots were fired, and the worst war in American history ensued from 1861 to 1865. Black AND White soldiers died fighting to end slavery and free Black Americans. The Confederacy surrendered its flag in 1865, signed by the infamous General Robert E Lee. Did you know??? The “Radical” Democrats in 2017-2020 are called radical because of their anti-Americanism, their support of radical Islamic ideology, their racial divisiveness, their support for ILLEGAL aliens and their lack of support for the United States Constitution. The “Radical” Republicans in 1854-1861 were called radical because they not only wanted to stop the SPREAD of slavery of Black Americans, they wanted to END slavery all together. These were mostly “OLD WHITE MEN” who were fighting for BLACK AMERICANS to be freed from the evil specter of physical bondage. The first Black Senator was Hiram Rhodes Revels of Mississippi in 1870. He was a Republican.

After the Civil War ended, six very bitter former Confederate soldiers (Democrats) formed the Ku Klux Klan in December 1865 in Tennessee. The KKK has infamously hounded Black Americans for hundreds of years. Raping, killing, looting, torturing, hanging, burning people alive, and every other heinous thing you could ever imagine. Then Jim Crow Laws were formed in Southern Democratic legislatures around 1880 to keep Black Americans at the lower end of society and keep them separated from White Americans. Jim Crow Laws then rolled into a softer form of systemic racism call Modern Day Segregation, which finally fully burned out around 1980. The Democrats also supported DEVIL WOMAN Margaret Sanger’s rollout of Planned Parenthood in New York in 1916. Planned Parenthood has been GENOCIDE to the Black community and the Democrats continue to support it. The Democrat Party also pushed the Black population (and Whites, Hispanics and Asians) into government dependance with welfare and food stamps. After racist President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Food Stamp Act in 1964, the Black community has been GUTTED OUT and DECIMATED. Did you know??? EVERYTHING that’s held Black Americans back since 1865 has been created by the Democratic Party. But 90% of Black voters CONTINUE to vote for the Democratic Party.

Now in 2020 Black Americans are SO shallow minded, we believe that we can CLEANSE history and CHANGE it. We can just get rid of Confederate statues, flags, slogans, and phrases. We can call EVERYTHING that’s not nailed down racist today (including whitewall tires). ONLY Black Lives Matter in 2020, and no one else’s. EVERYTHING that many Black Americans speak about is led by color, racism and victimhood. We want reparations, we want respect, we want REVENGE for what happened 200 years ago! Black police officers kill White, Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans in the line of duty. White police officers kill Black, White, Hispanic and Asian Americans in the line of duty. Hispanic police officers kill Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian Americans in the line of duty. Asian police officers kill White, Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans in the line of duty. Why is it so different when a White police officer kills a Black American, when 90% of Black American deaths are by Black Americans? How is tearing down Civil War statues going to change this?


Ray J Politics

The Confederate States of America DID exist! Read More »


How can COWARDICE be a position of strength? The destructive specter of Liberalism and political correctness has turned our men into women, women into men, heroes into cowards, and politicians into 2 bit common greasy ass crooks! This new phenomenon of kneeling, like some type of HALF BREED MONGREL, has turned our nation upside down on its head! Did you know??? Black on Black murders CONTINUE to be IGNORED across America every year. There has been ZERO “Black Lives Matters” events held for Black Americans murdered by Black Americans since 2016.

How can being on your knee like some slithering lower life form STAND for anything? I find the Liberal movement in America to be a movement of FREAKISM, MONGRELISM, and SATANIC backwardness! The Liberal movement is UNHOLY and doesn’t honor the sanctity of life, Law and Order, religion or basic human rights!

Our grandfathers and great grandfathers who served in World War 2, Korea and Vietnam are TOTALLY ASHAMED of the DISGRACE America has become. They must be thinking “I fought and strove in WW2 for THIS BULLSHIT?” I can’t express the EXTREME SHAME of seeing “gender neutral” children, transexuals, children shows with gay characters, and men dressing as women. Now we have LAW ENFORCEMENT and NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIERS kneeling and disgracing our nation’s deepest honor? DId you know??? The Statue of Liberty has picked up her skirt and is running away (at battle speed), and Uncle Sam is packing his bags as we speak to get the hell OUTTA dodge!!!

Ray J Politics

What IN THE HELL is this MONGRELISM??? Read More »

Black HYPOCRISY in America

How would it ever come a day and time when the majority of the Black American population would follow their former slave masters over a cliff? The majority of the Black population in America continue to blindly vote for the Democratic Party decade after decade, and stay chained to poverty….decade after decade. Many Black Americans are waiting on begging knee for the Democrat Party to rescue us, give us money, give us reparations, give us respect validating our VICTIMHOOD. Did you know??? 26% of the Black population (approximately 11,000,000 Black Americans) are on some type of government dependency program. While this dependency has kept Black citizens in Democrat DEATH TRAP neighborhoods and cities for DECADES with no upward mobility, Black citizens continue to vote for this misery.

So we’ve established that a quarter of Black citizens are stuck on government dependency and misery (with many abusing the welfare system). Within these same Black DEATH TRAP neighborhoods nationwide mostly being governed by Black Democrats, are Black people. Young Black men are on the Black American extermination program to wipe out the Black race. Around 2,600 Black Americans are murdered every year, and 90% of these murders are by mostly Black males. So around 2,340 Black citizens on average are killed by other Black citizens, EVERY YEAR! Did you know??? Law Enforcement kills an average of 1,100 citizens every year. 52% White (572), 32% Black (352). The Black population in America from 1980 to 2020 has only grown from 12% to 12.8%, while the Hispanic population has grown from 6.4% to 18%.

So we’ve established that Law Enforcement kills an average of 352 Black citizens every year, while Black citizens kill an average of 2,340 Black citizens every year. Within these Black DEATH TRAP neighborhoods, Black girls are getting pregnant at 13 years old with 30 year old men, and have 10 babies with 8 different men by the time that they’re 30 years old. Their older kids end up in the streets because their Mothers are too busy in the bedroom getting pregnant to get more welfare money. These young boys end up as dope runners, then dope pushers, then in jail or dead. The young girls end up starting the cycle of having babies at 13 years old or get sucked into prostitution, or dead. The other group of women spend much of their time in the bedroom, then visiting the Planned Parenthood clinic to kill their babies managing the other half of the Black American extermination program. This is a cycle that has been unbroken in Black America since 1960 when the Democrats, led by racist President Lyndon B Johnson, used welfare and food stamps to secure the Black vote. Did you know??? An average of 390,000 Black babies are aborted (MURDERED) every year. There is a Planned Parenthood DEATH CLINIC within walking distance of 78% of Black and Hispanic neighborhoods all across America. In 1957, then Senator Lyndon B Johnson called the 1957 Civil Rights Act “The Nigger Bill”. In 1964 upon signing the Food Stamp Act into law, President Lyndon B Johnson said “After I sign this bill, I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Well he may be right, we’re on year 56.

So we’ve established that many Black women are gaming the welfare system and forming their lives around government dependency, and the other group of Black women abort their babies on a routine schedule. Black Americans attack White Americans with HYPOCRISY, LIES and IDENTITY POLITICS! There are Black neighborhoods all over America with Black people pushing dope to Black people, Black people robbing Black people, Black people raping Black people, and Black people murdering Black people. There’s not a White person in sight, but Blacks continue to blame Whites for BLACK PROBLEMS! BLACK PROBLEMS, BLACKS MUST FIX IT! Black Americans have lost respect for their fellow Black Americans. Does Black Lives REALLY matter to Black people?

Question: Is the HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT slogan meant for Black people???

Ray J Politics

Black HYPOCRISY in America Read More »