Is our Federal government open for business???

For about 100 years, our Congress in Washington DC has progressively grown more and more insulated from the American people. We elect our Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators, then they go to Washington DC and represent big business, big tech, and foreign nations. The bureaucracy in the Washington DC Septic Tank has become so tyrannical in 2021, they’ve openly disclosed to that they are making policy that suits them, not the citizens of this nation. Did you know??? The spending bill passed by Congress in December 2020 had more funds in it for foreign nations than the United States of America. Billions of dollars in funds for gender study and democracy programs in Pakistan, funds for the Egyptian military, funds for corrupt nation of Ukraine, and foreign aid to Central American nations who continue to send hordes of illegal aliens into our nation (along with the friendly MS-13). But our Congress could only find $600 to give to law abiding American citizens in the middle of a pandemic and their draconian small business shutdowns. The Speaker of the House Nasty Pelosi held off voting on the 1.9 trillion dollar bill to “see who would win the Presidency”.

Now the Communist Democrat Party has cheated their way into power over the Executive and Legislative branches of government (with the help of the scumbelly Republican Party). They and their braindead illegitimate President Biden claim that they seek “healing” for our nation. They claim they would like civil discourse and want to reach out to President Donald J Trump’s supporters. Their first steps in this “healing” is calling all of the Protesters in the 1-6-21 Capitol Hill Protest insurgents, thugs, criminals, and White Supremacists, even though many of the Protesters were Asian, Hispanic, Black, and Native Americans along with their White brothers and sisters. Their second step in “healing” is impeaching the outgoing President who was cheated out of his Presidency. If this wasn’t a good enough olive branch for Trump supporters, they are also attempting to convict President Trump so that he may not run for a second term, if he so chooses. The man is not even in office!

The Communist Democrats have already begun the process of legalizing illegal aliens (people who have no damn business in our country), stopping construction on the border wall, rejoining the heathenous Paris Climate Accord (when China and India alone produces 45% of the world’s pollution, but will never be held to account), rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership to allow other nations to rip America off, and stopping work on the Canada-US Keystone pipeline. Fake President and CCP whore Biden said that he wanted to let the world know that “America is open for business again”. We now have a nursing home resident as President who will have the CCP, the Vatican, the Iranian terrorist regime, the UN, and the WHO putting on their rubber gloves to stick up his butt for puppet control.

The United States Congress has become imposters in our nation’s Capitol. Washington DC does not belong to the American people anymore. The US Constitution is just historical document to be kept in a glass case in a museum somewhere. Money is what the United States Congress upholds, not the Constitution. Lobbyists from corporations and big tech controls the members of our Congress, and the CCP controls our nation’s largest corporations and big tech. Who then, is running our nation? We’re in a 30 trillion dollar national deficit, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, and just went through a Presidential election in which half of the US population have no faith was legitimate. In response, our Congress with a 17% approval rating is attempting to convict a President who’s not even in office, passing laws against “White supremacy” even though 60% of this nation’s population is White, using the propagandist media to stoke racial division, and passing policies which favor illegal aliens and hardened criminals. Where do law abiding Americans fall into the equation of Washington DC? Why have a government who governs for citizens of foreign nations better than its own?

Ray J Politics

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