America’s first “Peoples’ Presidency” has been STOLEN!!!

America’s first “People’s Presidency” has been STOLEN!!!

This is a portrait of the most consequential President in American history aside from Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. This man, Donald J Trump, had BILLIONS of dollars spent by the Democrat party, the Republican Party, the Communist Chinese Party, the Democrat prostitute mainstream media, the Vatican, the United Nations, and every other HEATHENOUS organization just to ruin him! This is the first President to come into office more concerned about AMERICA, than foreign nations, nuclear missiles, or fake racial division. Did you know??? The Democrats, Republicans, DOJ, FBI, CIA, US Foreign Ambassadors, Foreign Ambassadors of other nations, and judges all over America ALL tried to overthrow this President since 2016? Over 45 million American taxpayer dollars were spent on the so called “Mueller Investigation”. The namesake of this investigation, Robert Mueller, testified in front of Congress in 2019. He knew NOTHING about HIS own investigation. Till this day, NO ONE has been held accountable for this treason.

The Democrat Party and their poisonous mainstream media called President Donald J Trump a “dictator” and “tyrant”, but was he? President Trump was indeed very vocal and brash, constantly calling the Democrats and CCP mainstream media exactly what they are, LIARS! But this President really never ventured outside of the framework of the United States Constitution. He may have threatened to do many things, but NEVER abused his power like so many of his predecessors before him.The comparison between he and Franklin Delano Roosevelt demonstrates this very clearly. Did you know??? Our nation’s first Communist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1933 to 1945, enacted 3,721 executive orders averaging 307 per year. Roosevelt also vetoed 635 bills, averaging 51.92 vetos per year. Compare this to President Donald J Trump from 2016 to 2020, where he enacted 294 executive orders, averaging 52 per year. He also vetoed 9 bills, averaging 2.25 per year.

President Trump has accomplished feats in economic, domestic, and foreign policy in his short four years that no other President has come close to achieving in eight years. From building a wall on our Southern border, passing the First Step Act, having the lowest minority and overall unemployment rates in history, having the highest stock market numbers in history, passing massive tax cuts, rebuilding our military, reforming our Veterans’ Administration, moving our embassy to Jerusalem, avoiding a looming war with North Korea, to stopping the raping of America by Communist China. Those are just SOME of the accomplishments by the Trump Administration from 2016-2020. Did you know??? The MONGRELOUS mainstream media stifled ANY news of success by the Trump Administration for four long years. Donald J Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020, THREE TIMES, but was attacked by the Democrats and their sycophant mainstream media for it 24/7.

The Democrat Party tried time and time again to remove this President from office by any means necessary. Neanderthal look alike Representative Al Green of Texas called for the impeachment of President Trump as soon as he was elected. These SICK FREAKO Democrats attempted to impeach President Trump over statements he made, for not knowing what was in his personal tax returns, for him building the border wall, for “Russian collusion” that never existed, for sexual “scandals”, for wanting to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, for wanting to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, for being nice to Israel, and for not condemning “White supremacy” on a daily basis. They were actually successful in impeaching President Trump for a fake “quid pro quo” phone call in Ukraine, where unelected career US foreign embassy officials thought that they knew more than he did. They must have all forgotten that THEY serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States.

In 2020 and yet another overthrow attempt, the Democrat Party and the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) colluded to release a military biological weapon in Wuhan, China. Citizens from all over the world were celebrating the festivals in Wuhan in late 2019 when the CCP released this bioweapon, let it spread all throughout the Wuhan region, then allowed all of these foreigners to fly back home to their countries. In February 2020, word started to get out that people were dying in China of some mysterious virus. China immediately closed down all travel with its citizens in or out of the Wuhan region. When people started to question the CCP, the Communist Chinese said “nothing to see here”, backed up by their sycophant World Health Organization. Then slowly but surely cases of this now known “Coronavirus” started to pop up in other nations around world. There were reports out of China of HUNDREDS THOUSANDS of cell phone numbers being deleted, incinerators running 24/7, and people on the Western coast of Japan reporting a mysterious “black rain”.

This is what I call “The Pitch and Catch”. The CCP pitched this virus, and the Communist Democrat Party caught it. This virus served two purposes. First, it allowed the virus to spread and destroy societies and economies around the world. This coincides with the CCP’s aspirations of being the world’s #1 economy and military power. Second, it allowed the Communist Democrat Party to use this virus against President Trump as a political weapon, have their whore mainstream media “spin it”, destroy our economy, use unverifiable mail in ballots during the 2020 election, and strip away our civil liberties. Did you know??? China, the most overpopulated nation on Earth with 1.5 billion people where this bioweapon was released, claims to have lost 4,634 people to this virus, with (3) deaths per million of its population. On the other extreme, America’s population is 332,000,000 and “claims” to have lost 378,149 people, with (1,139) deaths per million of its population. It’s widely known that nearly everyone in America who’s died since March 2020 has been counted as Coronavirus deaths, so hospitals can get their “extra funding”, the toxic media can spread panic, and it could be used as a political weapon against the Trump Presidency.

Yet another collusion between the Democrat and Republican Parties finally overthrew President Trump in 2020. Republican State Legislatures in Georgia, North Carolina (which Trump barely won), Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota (split), Arizona, and Nevada (Democrat) allowed for unverifiable mail in ballots. Every voting law known to man was broken from not matching signatures on ballots, voting machines being connected to the internet, partisan ballot observers being intimidated and removed for being White, to midnight ballot dumps for Biden. Most of these states had Republican State Legislatures and ignored ANY calls for accountability after THOUSANDS of sworn statements of massive voter fraud, nationwide. The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court made unconstitutional rulings which took the authority from the Pennsylvania State Legislature, and these Republican lawmakers did nothing about this. State Supreme Courts nationwide dismissed cases of voter fraud outright stating that there wasn’t enough of it? Then the Supreme Court of the United States was asked to get involved, and they didn’t even want to hear about these thousands of cases of voter fraud.

Now the President’s own Republican Party has turned against him and turned against their OWN voters for the Capitol Hill Patriot protest in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. Even though ANTIFA and BLM scum caused most of the chaos and violence, Republican politicians are using this opportunity to attack THEIR Republican protesters, because they took a stroll through the Capitol building (which WE pay for with OUR taxpayer dollars) and broke out (3) windows on a building with thousands of windows. The building wasn’t burnt down, the building wasn’t vandalized, and the unarmed 14 year American Military Veteran that was murdered, Ashli Babbitt, was murdered by a Washington DC Capitol Police Officer. Why? Did you know??? Republican politicians are all over television in OUTRAGE saying that these American peasants came into their “sacred” Capitol building, and want them to be prosecuted and “put in prison”. But throughout 2020, BLM (Burn Loot Murder) and the ANTIFA SS terrorized cities all over America with Democrat politician encouragement. Democrat Mayors and Governors instructed their Law Enforcement to hide while these Democrat Party funded TERRORIST groups looted, destroyed, and murdered innocent people and the few Police Officers that showed up.

President Donald J Trump was elected by the American people in 2020, but politicians made the decision to put the people who THEY wanted in office. Joe Biden is an ILLEGITIMATE President. The Senate runoff races in Georgia were FRAUDULENT! This is the worst thing that could happen to our form of government. Our Constitutional Republic has three branches of government. The Executive and Legislative branches govern this nation, and the Judicial branch fields disputes between the the other two branches. The Legislative branch forms laws, the Executive enforces laws, and the Judicial interprets laws. All three branches are expected to UPHOLD the law of the land. In the 2020 Presidential election at the state and federal levels, the Legislative branch broke the law, the Judicial branch CHOSE not to interpret the law, and the Executive branch was left without remedy.

Joe Biden is going to be sworn in on January 20, 2021 as the President of this country, having received unearned electoral votes from the six contested states. The vote has been STOLEN from the American people by the politicians who we elected. THEY have chosen OUR President and chose who will run the United States Senate. President Trump is the rightful winner of the 2020 Presidential election, and 74 million Americans will NEVER accept WALKING CRIMINAL Joe Biden as our President! If there’s such a thing as “Death of a Nation”, this is it!

Ray J Politics

America’s first “Peoples’ Presidency” has been STOLEN!!! Read More »