This “STOPPING THE SPREAD” Wuhan Virus campaign being propped up by the SATANIC mainstream media is just another weapon in the Democrat Party’s toolbox to ATTACK President Trump. As can be seen above, I was suspended by Facebook for 30 days (Facebook Jail) because I spoke out against the Communist Democrat narrative. It has ZERO to do with “harming the community” and EVERYTHING to do with “harming the Democrat HOAX”. Did you know??? Communist Democrat City Mayors, County Mayors and Governors are passing DRACONIAN executive orders FORCING “mandatory mask mandates”, curfews, ATTACKING Christian church pastors for DARING to hold services, and closing down small businesses imposing unrealistic occupancy rules. But they leave open abortion clinics, liquor stores and Islamic mosques, and support Communist ANARCHIST mobs running the streets and DESTROYING businesses!

The Democrat Party has now sicked their WHORE mainstream media on 3 of the states that Trump MUST win to be re-elected in 2020, Arizona, Texas and Florida. The Democrats, RINO Republicans and FAKE NEWS media will remain LASER FOCUSED on these 3 Republican states, hoping to tarnish their Governors because the Wuhan Virus cases are “spiking”. THIS VIRUS WILL SPREAD, and there’s not a damn thing that we can do about it! It is the DEATH RATE that counts. They totally ignore the Democrat states like New York, Michigan, Connecticut and New Jersey who’s been a damn CATACLYSM during this Coronavirus crisis! Did you know??? Arizona, Texas and Florida all have maintained a 1.8% and below Coronavirus death rate, while the lowest Coronavirus death rate in Democrat states mentioned above is 7.5%.

The Democrat Party, who are minions of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP), has enlisted the services of the CCP, BLM (White Communists), ANTIFA (White Fascists), Me Too (Fascist women), the Black Congressional Caucus (Black supremacists), the Hispanic Congressional Caucus (Hispanic supremacists), the Black Panthers (Black supremacists), the Muslim Brotherhood (Islamic supremacists) and the Nation of Islam (Black supremacists). Two of these radical organizations actually have places carved out for them in OUR Congress.

The Democrats also have bought off social media giants like Twitter, Google, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram. They have ALL of the voter fraud groups in their pockets, and regular hard working American citizens are left in the cold. The election of 2020 is going to be HARD FOUGHT with a Democrat Party who’s brought off EVERYBODY, and WEAKLING/HALF CORRUPT Republican Party who seems to be more concerned about their OWN corrupt asses instead of this country!

Ray J Politics

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