The Black race baiting FAKE NEWS is global, and VERY dangerous!

I have a young man in South Africa that I treat as my very own son. He is South African (Indian), is only 22 years old, and still learning about life. He sends me the propaganda that’s projected NOT from Russia, NOT from North Korea, and NOT Iran, but from THE UNITED STATES! The latest FILTHY GARBAGE being projected all over the word is how unjust our society is, and that our Law Enforcement Officers are MONSTERS. He sent me Facebook videos showing a montage of police brutality, depicting that Black Americans are being ATTACKED all over America. There are good police and there are bad police. America is STILL the most free and just nation on this Earth, BAR NONE!

So I sent him this:

America is 13% Black and we still live better than any Black people on Earth. The population on the continent or Africa is 79% Black with entirely Black governments, black police forces, and it’s absolutely the worst place for a Black person to be on Earth. Millions of Black Africans can’t even get access to food and clean drinking water. Black people are STILL dying in famines in Africa from starvation and simple diseases. Did you know that?  How could this be happening in countries when everyone are “PEOPLE OF COLOR”? Where’s the video of that???

There are still wild militias running through all 54 countries in Africa robbing, raping, chopping up people with machetes, cutting off people’s gentiles, hands, feet, and worse. This is happening right now as the Communists in America are broadcasting this garbage about our police. Where’s the video of the raping, marauding, and murder of Black (mostly because they’re Christian) people in Africa? There’s still SLAVERY going on in Africa. Arabs are still chasing down Black Africans in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, capturing them like animals and selling them on the slave market. Where’s the video of that???

We Black people live like KINGS in America compared to Blacks anywhere else in the world. I keep telling you the Liberal Left will show a montage of police brutality, but won’t show you the Black boys laid out dead on sidewalks everyday with their heads blown off who are killed by OTHER BLACK BOYS. Around 2,600 Black people are murdered every year in America, and around 2,300 of those are committed by other BLACK AMERICANS. Black women are also killing off the Black race averaging 360,000 abortions of little Black babies every single year in America alone. Where is the video of that???

Indoctrination by the Communist Liberal movement and fake news media around the world is a terrible thing. Again as Malcolm X said: If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.We Black Americans continue to be our OWN worst enemy in America. We live off of race peddling and are being JOOPED by race hustlers. These videos being blasted all over the world show the small amount of police brutality in America overall, while police in Africa will outright kill you, and no one will ever know about it. Black people in Africa buying into this Liberal indoctrination of America supposedly treating Black people horribly are truly uneducated, stupid, and ignorant to FACTS. The FACTS are we have more Black millionaires, billionaires and Blacks living VERY well with good paying jobs, more than anywhere else in the world. 

With the FACTS I have just told you above, I deem this video as LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION trying to take the focus off of the REAL problem plaguing Black America, which is BLACK AMERICANS…

Ray J Politics

The Black race baiting FAKE NEWS is global, and VERY dangerous! Read More »