Democrats NEVER let a crisis “go to waste”….CORONAVIRUS.

This is what the Communist Democrats want in America. Everyone wearing masks over their faces, being fearful of getting “too close” to each other, and blaming one another for them catching Chinese Wuhan Virus. Communist Democrat and RINO Republican Governors nationwide are buying into this HOAX to destroy our nation’s economy, create fear and panic in the American population, and MURDER small businesses. It’s ALL about getting President Donald J Trump out of office in 2020 so they can go back to their corruption and doing ZILCH for the American people! Did you know??? There has been ZERO evidence that masks stop ANYTHING from spreading, yet alone Wuhan Virus. But 3M is getting rich off of our IRRESPONSIBLE CDC and federal government spreading LIES that masks are the remedy to stopping the spread of Wuhan Virus.

While HYPOCRITICAL Democrat Congressmen, Congresswomen, Senators, Governors and Mayors ATTACK Christian churches for trying to hold services for worship, abortion clinics are running at FULL THROTTLE and are packed with Liberal BRAINDEAD women murdering their babies. While SATANIC Democrats ATTACK gun shops, liquor stores still are selling liquor for DRUNKARDS who get wasted, get behind the wheel, and KILL innocent people. While Democrats ATTACK small businesses nationwide CHOKING THEM OUT, they’re promoting reopening globalist sport leagues like the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS and NASCAR. Did you know??? Athletes, coaching staffs, trainers, and support staff in the NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, and NASCAR are NOT superhuman. They can catch and spread Wuhan Virus too. Why are these men being allowed to rub, breathe, and cough all over each other while playing these sports? Can you say… DOUBLE STANDARD???

Now as of 6/26/20, the FAKE NEWS media is attacking the Conservative states of Arizona, Texas and Florida because of “spikes” in Wuhan Virus. I don’t believe in people being forced to wear masks. It’s draconian policy and violates our Constitutional rights. There is not ONE shred of evidence that masks stop the spread of anything. We are being FORCED to wear masks with no evidence of knowing if they work. I think that any American who feels vulnerable should be able to wear a mask anywhere they want to, and others who choose not to should be LEFT ALONE!

This Wuhan Virus will not be going away anytime soon. Keeping people separated will only prolong this crisis by millions of people not being exposed to it. This is the Communist Democrat Party’s goal of course. They keep talking about spikes in Arizona, Texas, and my state of Florida OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. These states are doing much more testing which is attributing to these so called spikes:

Conservative states

Arizona- 66,458 cases, 1,535 deaths- 2.3% death rate

Texas- 142,110 cases, 2,366 deaths- 1.67% death rate (2nd most populous state in America)

Florida- 122,960 cases, 3,366 deaths- 2.7% death rate (3rd most populous state in America)

In contrast…

Liberal states

New York- 415,205 cases, 31,420 deaths- 7.6% death rate (4th most populous state in America)

New Jersey- 175,759 cases, 15,057 deaths- 8.6% death rate

Massachusetts- 108,070 cases, 8,013 deaths- 7.4% death rate

Michigan- 69,329 cases, 6,134 deaths- 8.8% death rate

The DEATH RATE is the important thing, not infection rates. Conservative governance DOES matter. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Michigan has STUPID Governors! This hype about Arizona, Texas and Florida is just fodder from the scum licking fake news media. They’re attacking these states solely because they have Conservative Republican Governors. Did you know??? The Governors of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Michigan endorsed and ENFORCED policies to send people infected with COVID-19 to ill-equipped nursing home facilities, including MENTAL patients. We seen how that turned out in a video from a Michigan nursing home, where a 20 year old kid nearly beat a Senior Citizen to death for…NOTHING! This has resulted in the unnecessary deaths of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Senior Citizens in these states!

The Democrat WHORE mainstream media will keep up their propaganda for their Democrat Party PIMP, spreading this GARBAGE about masks. People are getting rich off of OUR stupidity, fear, and lack of will to question why we’re being forced to wear something with ZERO proof that it actually works!

Ray J Politics

Democrats NEVER let a crisis “go to waste”….CORONAVIRUS. Read More »