The soldier pictured above is CSA Lieutenant General Wade Hampton III, a cavalry officer. He also served as the first Governor of South Carolina in 1877 after the reconstruction period ended after the Civil War. This statue just sits there everyday at the South Carolina State House being pooped on by birds. The Confederate States of America (The Confederacy) were 11 states in the Southeastern United States who depended heavily on a farming economy to survive. Black Americans were slaves and “free labor” in the South. They were vital to the South’s economy. The Southern states were poorer and more rural than the Northern states. The Northern states (The Union) had many more modern factories, plants, mills, and huge cities. Black people were able to have jobs in the North and earn decent wages (and be free). The Southern states seen the anti-slavery movement as a threat to their existence in 1860, leading to 7 states declaring their independence from Washington DC and forming the Confederate States of America in 1861 being supported by the Democratic Party. They were later joined by 6 more states. Did you know??? The May-June 2020 riots being led by the ANTIFA and BLM terrorist groups attacked UNION Civil War statues. These Marxists are so STUPID and IGNORANT that they don’t even understand who the people are depicted in these statues that their tearing down.

The Republican Party was born out of the Democratic-Republican Party and other small political parties on the platform to STOP THE SPREAD of slavery in 1854. The Republicans wanted to let slavery remain in the Southern states as a compromise with the Confederacy, but not allow slavery as the United States expanded Westward (committing more atrocities against Native American Indians). Unfortunately, the Native Americans had their lands taken from them and tens of thousands were murdered in the process. The Southern states insisted that slavery be allowed newly formed Western territories. Tensions flared, shots were fired, and the worst war in American history ensued from 1861 to 1865. Black AND White soldiers died fighting to end slavery and free Black Americans. The Confederacy surrendered its flag in 1865, signed by the infamous General Robert E Lee. Did you know??? The “Radical” Democrats in 2017-2020 are called radical because of their anti-Americanism, their support of radical Islamic ideology, their racial divisiveness, their support for ILLEGAL aliens and their lack of support for the United States Constitution. The “Radical” Republicans in 1854-1861 were called radical because they not only wanted to stop the SPREAD of slavery of Black Americans, they wanted to END slavery all together. These were mostly “OLD WHITE MEN” who were fighting for BLACK AMERICANS to be freed from the evil specter of physical bondage. The first Black Senator was Hiram Rhodes Revels of Mississippi in 1870. He was a Republican.

After the Civil War ended, six very bitter former Confederate soldiers (Democrats) formed the Ku Klux Klan in December 1865 in Tennessee. The KKK has infamously hounded Black Americans for hundreds of years. Raping, killing, looting, torturing, hanging, burning people alive, and every other heinous thing you could ever imagine. Then Jim Crow Laws were formed in Southern Democratic legislatures around 1880 to keep Black Americans at the lower end of society and keep them separated from White Americans. Jim Crow Laws then rolled into a softer form of systemic racism call Modern Day Segregation, which finally fully burned out around 1980. The Democrats also supported DEVIL WOMAN Margaret Sanger’s rollout of Planned Parenthood in New York in 1916. Planned Parenthood has been GENOCIDE to the Black community and the Democrats continue to support it. The Democrat Party also pushed the Black population (and Whites, Hispanics and Asians) into government dependance with welfare and food stamps. After racist President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Food Stamp Act in 1964, the Black community has been GUTTED OUT and DECIMATED. Did you know??? EVERYTHING that’s held Black Americans back since 1865 has been created by the Democratic Party. But 90% of Black voters CONTINUE to vote for the Democratic Party.

Now in 2020 Black Americans are SO shallow minded, we believe that we can CLEANSE history and CHANGE it. We can just get rid of Confederate statues, flags, slogans, and phrases. We can call EVERYTHING that’s not nailed down racist today (including whitewall tires). ONLY Black Lives Matter in 2020, and no one else’s. EVERYTHING that many Black Americans speak about is led by color, racism and victimhood. We want reparations, we want respect, we want REVENGE for what happened 200 years ago! Black police officers kill White, Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans in the line of duty. White police officers kill Black, White, Hispanic and Asian Americans in the line of duty. Hispanic police officers kill Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian Americans in the line of duty. Asian police officers kill White, Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans in the line of duty. Why is it so different when a White police officer kills a Black American, when 90% of Black American deaths are by Black Americans? How is tearing down Civil War statues going to change this?


Ray J Politics

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