How can COWARDICE be a position of strength? The destructive specter of Liberalism and political correctness has turned our men into women, women into men, heroes into cowards, and politicians into 2 bit common greasy ass crooks! This new phenomenon of kneeling, like some type of HALF BREED MONGREL, has turned our nation upside down on its head! Did you know??? Black on Black murders CONTINUE to be IGNORED across America every year. There has been ZERO “Black Lives Matters” events held for Black Americans murdered by Black Americans since 2016.

How can being on your knee like some slithering lower life form STAND for anything? I find the Liberal movement in America to be a movement of FREAKISM, MONGRELISM, and SATANIC backwardness! The Liberal movement is UNHOLY and doesn’t honor the sanctity of life, Law and Order, religion or basic human rights!

Our grandfathers and great grandfathers who served in World War 2, Korea and Vietnam are TOTALLY ASHAMED of the DISGRACE America has become. They must be thinking “I fought and strove in WW2 for THIS BULLSHIT?” I can’t express the EXTREME SHAME of seeing “gender neutral” children, transexuals, children shows with gay characters, and men dressing as women. Now we have LAW ENFORCEMENT and NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIERS kneeling and disgracing our nation’s deepest honor? DId you know??? The Statue of Liberty has picked up her skirt and is running away (at battle speed), and Uncle Sam is packing his bags as we speak to get the hell OUTTA dodge!!!

Ray J Politics

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