How would it ever come a day and time when the majority of the Black American population would follow their former slave masters over a cliff? The majority of the Black population in America continue to blindly vote for the Democratic Party decade after decade, and stay chained to poverty….decade after decade. Many Black Americans are waiting on begging knee for the Democrat Party to rescue us, give us money, give us reparations, give us respect validating our VICTIMHOOD. Did you know??? 26% of the Black population (approximately 11,000,000 Black Americans) are on some type of government dependency program. While this dependency has kept Black citizens in Democrat DEATH TRAP neighborhoods and cities for DECADES with no upward mobility, Black citizens continue to vote for this misery.

So we’ve established that a quarter of Black citizens are stuck on government dependency and misery (with many abusing the welfare system). Within these same Black DEATH TRAP neighborhoods nationwide mostly being governed by Black Democrats, are Black people. Young Black men are on the Black American extermination program to wipe out the Black race. Around 2,600 Black Americans are murdered every year, and 90% of these murders are by mostly Black males. So around 2,340 Black citizens on average are killed by other Black citizens, EVERY YEAR! Did you know??? Law Enforcement kills an average of 1,100 citizens every year. 52% White (572), 32% Black (352). The Black population in America from 1980 to 2020 has only grown from 12% to 12.8%, while the Hispanic population has grown from 6.4% to 18%.

So we’ve established that Law Enforcement kills an average of 352 Black citizens every year, while Black citizens kill an average of 2,340 Black citizens every year. Within these Black DEATH TRAP neighborhoods, Black girls are getting pregnant at 13 years old with 30 year old men, and have 10 babies with 8 different men by the time that they’re 30 years old. Their older kids end up in the streets because their Mothers are too busy in the bedroom getting pregnant to get more welfare money. These young boys end up as dope runners, then dope pushers, then in jail or dead. The young girls end up starting the cycle of having babies at 13 years old or get sucked into prostitution, or dead. The other group of women spend much of their time in the bedroom, then visiting the Planned Parenthood clinic to kill their babies managing the other half of the Black American extermination program. This is a cycle that has been unbroken in Black America since 1960 when the Democrats, led by racist President Lyndon B Johnson, used welfare and food stamps to secure the Black vote. Did you know??? An average of 390,000 Black babies are aborted (MURDERED) every year. There is a Planned Parenthood DEATH CLINIC within walking distance of 78% of Black and Hispanic neighborhoods all across America. In 1957, then Senator Lyndon B Johnson called the 1957 Civil Rights Act “The Nigger Bill”. In 1964 upon signing the Food Stamp Act into law, President Lyndon B Johnson said “After I sign this bill, I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Well he may be right, we’re on year 56.

So we’ve established that many Black women are gaming the welfare system and forming their lives around government dependency, and the other group of Black women abort their babies on a routine schedule. Black Americans attack White Americans with HYPOCRISY, LIES and IDENTITY POLITICS! There are Black neighborhoods all over America with Black people pushing dope to Black people, Black people robbing Black people, Black people raping Black people, and Black people murdering Black people. There’s not a White person in sight, but Blacks continue to blame Whites for BLACK PROBLEMS! BLACK PROBLEMS, BLACKS MUST FIX IT! Black Americans have lost respect for their fellow Black Americans. Does Black Lives REALLY matter to Black people?

Question: Is the HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT slogan meant for Black people???

Ray J Politics

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